
Loja de artigos esportivos Cabela's...Cabela's store

International Falls - no final desta rua fica a divisa EUA-Canada... Border crossing US-Canada.

Correio antigo em International Falls... Old Post Office...

Painel pintado dentro do predio do correio... Pannel painted inside the post office...

Caixas de correspondencia muito antigas... Very old mail boxes...

Centro de International Falls... Downtown Int'l Falls...

Durante a depressao... During the depression years...

O governo americano contratava trabalhadores... The American Government hired workers...

Para lhes dar um salario... Under the NWA - to give them jobs...

Incluindo os artistas que pintaram estes paineis... Including the artists who painted these pannels...

Rua principal com predios muito antigos... Main street...

Main street...

Fabrica de papel... Paper mill...

Smokey seu colete de pescaria... Smokey bear wearing his fishing vest...

Court House...

Catholic church...

Escola onde a Lynn trabalha durante o verao... School where Lynn works in the summer...

Memorial das Guerras... War Memorial...

Condado de Koochichin - derivacao da lingua dos indios Ojibwe que significa "Falls"... Koochiching county - name the Ojibwe indians gave for the "Falls"...

Floricultura... Green house...

Escola onde a Lynn trabalha o ano letivo normal... School where Lynn works throughout the school year...

Visitor Center at Voyageurs National Park...

Alce dentro do museu do Voyageurs... Moose at the Voyageurs museum...

Voyageurs Park and Rainy Lake in the background...

Vida selvagem no parque... Wild life at the park...

Este encontramos na beira da estrada... This one we met in the ditch by the road...

Lynn, Wes e Daniel em frente a casa deles... Lynn, Wes and Daniel in front of their home...

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Latest comments

27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.