Whitehorse - capital of the Yukon Territory

WHITEHORSE Capital do Yukon Territory – Terra do sol da meia noite

Este local foi um dos maiores acampamentos da construcao  da Alaska Highway e, quando foi aberto aos civis, a mineracao e o turismo cresceram exponencialmente.

Esta e uma magnifica cidade aninhada ‘as margens do famoso Rio Yukon, cercada de montanhas e lagos, uma cidade grande com resquicios de vida selvagem. Os turistas se surpreendem ao verificar que esta cidade-capital com aproximados 25.000 habitantes, tambem e’ cosmopolita e oferece todas as amenidades e confortos de uma metropole.

Whitehorse e’ o territorio tradicional do Conselho das Kwandlin Dun First Nation e da Ta’an Kwachan First Nations. O centro Cultural Kwanlin Dun esta situado ‘as margens do Rio Yukon e exposicoes sobre sua cultura reconectam os povos das First Nations com o Rio Yukon. O MacBride Museum apresenta historicas exposicoes sobre as Yukon First Nations. As galerias de arte apresentam esculturas em madeira, pecas texteis, pecas trabalhadas com contas e outros trabalhos tradicionais dos povos das First nations.

A cidade tem muito orgulho de sua historia, bem apresentada nos seus cinco museus com diferentes enfoques. O Beringia Center apresenta os aspectos e historia da Era do Gelo de Beringia, com informacoes e visitas guiadas do centro que incluem apresentacoes interativas multimidia. O navio SS Klondike se encontra em exposicao para visitacao,   e guias turisticos estao ‘a disposicao para um tour pelos locais historicos do centro da cidade.

A única cidade grande por mais de 1000 milhas (1.600 km), Whitehorse fornece servicos para uma grande regiao. A base de sua economia inclui servicos para a industria de mineracao, transporte, turismo e atividades relacionadas ao governo.

Acampamos no Pioneer Village RV Park e confirmamos o por que Whitehorse e' chamada de Terra do Sol da Meia Noite...


WHITEHORSE – Capital of the Yukon Territory – Land of the midnight sun

One of the largest construction camps during the building of the Alaska Highway, once open to civilian traffic, mining and tourism grew. Today the city boasts a vibrant arts and cultural community.

A gorgeous wilderness city, nestled on the banks of the famous Yukon River, surrounded by mountains and pristine lakes. Visitors are often surprised to learn this cosmopolitan capital city of about 25,000 people offers all the amenities and comforts of a southern metropolis.

Whitehorse is the traditional territory of the Kwanlin Dun First Nation and Ta’an Kwachan Councils. The Kwandlin Dun Cultural Center is situated on the banks of the Yukon River. Longhouses, exhibits and a circular firepit at the Cultural Center reconnect First Nations people to the Yukon river. McBride Museum has excellent historical displays on Yukon First Nations. Art galleries present carvings, textiles, beadwork and other traditional arts from the indigenous peoples.

The City is extremely proud of its history. Boasting five different museums, one can learn about Beringia Ice Age at the Beringia Center, which provides interpretive information and guided tours through the unique facility which include interactive multimedia presentation. Murals and dioramas depict the Beringia landscape, flora and fauna. The Center also features a film, original works of art, and exhibits of discovered remains from throughout the Yukon.

The SS Klondike is also available to take a tour onboard, friendly guides are available to help one take a walking tour  around downtown.

The only City for over 1,000 miles, Whitehorse provides services to a wide region. The economic base includes services for the mining industry, transportation, tourism, and government.

We camped at Pioneer Village RV Park and we were able to verifiy why Whitehorse is called "Land of the mid-night sun"...


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