Photos Quito

Alugando o carro... Car rental.

Mini-carro!!! Mini-car!!!

Nosso pernoite foi na cidade de Quevedo - capital da provincia de Los Rios... Our first stop to stay overnight was in the city of Quevedo - capital of the Province Los Rios.

Boas estradas e belas paisagens... Good roads and beautiful views.

Muitas quedas d'agua... Many small waterfalls.

Na rota para Quito se passa pelos Andes Equatorianos...muito lindo... On the way to Quito one goes through the Ecuatorian Andes...gorgeous views.

E este???esculpido na montanha... And this figure was sculpted on the mountain side.

Subindo os Andes...e se sobe... Going up the Andes...and up you go...

A gente se sente mais perto do ceu! One feels closer to the sky.

Este e um Parque e la atras pode se ver parte de Quito... This is a park and in the far background a little of Quito...

E Quito e ENORME...bem espalhada... And Quito is HUGE...well spread out.

Ola o ceu ai...pertinho... Look at the sky...very near!

E o ceu aqui parece mais azul...como nos sentimos na Patagonia Argentina... The sky here seems to be bluer...we felt the same way in the Patagonia - Argentina.

Acessando a Panamericana em Quito... Entering Panamericana Highway, in Quito.

Quito, morro acima... Quito, up the hill.

Chegando na cidade de Cayambe - metade do mundo... Arriving at the town of Cayambe - middle of the world.

"La mitad del mundo"

Este e o sitio "pos-GPS" e Google Earth... This is the "post" GPS and Google Earth site.

Eu estou nos SUL e Daniel no NORTE!!! I am standing on the SOUTH and Daniel on the NORTH.

Guia e suas explanacoes... Tour guide and his explanations.

Volcan Cayambe, neve eterna, onde o sol nasce... Cayambe Volcano, eternal snow, where the sun rises.

Conversa entre dois "entendidos'!! Conversation between two "experts"...

Cilindros de metal colocados pelo Inst.Geografico Mil. do Ecuador, baseados nos dados do GPS... Metal cylinders placed by the Ecuadorian Mil. Geographic Inst., based on GPS data.

O outro lado da linha onde o sol se poe - no Vulcao Artisana...The other side of the line, where the sun sets, on Artisana Volcano.

Incas vendendo suas "artesanias"... Incas selling their artifacts.

Monumento representando a Terra... Monument representing the Earth...

Que esta em frente ao outro sitio... Which is in front of the other site...

Antes do GPS e Google Earth... Before GPS and Google Earth.

Entrando no centro de Quito... Entering downtown Quito.

Parte muito antiga da Cidade... Very old part of the City.

Cavernas a caminho da Linha do Equador... Caverns on the way to the Equator Line.

Monumento e Linha do Equador... Monument and Equator Line.

A caminho... On the way.

Entrada da "Ciudad del Mitad del Mundo"... Entrance.

Dancas tipicas apresentadas... Typical dances.

Experimentando as "empanadas de viento...que tem recheio de "vento" e queijo...kkk Trying the "empanadas de viento" - cheese empanadas.

Artesanias...muitos artefatos de la de alpaca...lindos... Artifacts, much alpaca items for sale...beautiful.

Olha o "onibus"... Look at this "bus"...

"Garoto propaganda" do Chapeu Panama... "Model" for the Panama Hats...

Sandy and Bob 12.10.2013 23:08

We are really anxious to find out the route to Brazil after you get the RV.You two are amazing and brave to take this grand adventure! Our prayers are with you

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

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17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.