Photos Chile-2

Belas Belas paisagens nesta costa... Beautiful views at this coast.


E sal ate na estrada... Ans salt by the road.

E sal no topo das pedras... Salt on top of the rocks.

Que belo lugar... What a nice place...

Para se construir uma casa... To build a house.

Tunnel Galleginos.

Cidade de Tocopilla... Town of Tocopilla.

Igreja antiga... Old church.

Sendo decorada para um casamento... Being decorated for a wedding.

Predios e casas... Houses and buildings...

muito antigos... very old.



Escultura "A mao"... Sculpture "The Hand"

Santuario de Lurdes...Our Lady of Lurdes Sanctuary

Encontramos estes dois caes numa das areas de descanso e lhes demos agua e comida...We found these two dogs at a rest area, and gave them water and food.

Estrada a perder de vista... Road as far as one can see...

E estrada... And more road...

E mais estrada... And more road...

Passando o tropico de Capricornio... Crossing the Tropic of Capricorn.

Entrando no circuito costeiro do deserto... Entering the coastal circuit at the desert.

Varias praias interessantes neste circuito... Some interesting beaches on this circuit.

Como esta... Like this one.

Aqui tbem tem Pao de Acucar... Here there is Pao de Acucar,too.

Casa abandonada... Abandoned house.

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.