

 Este pais merece um capitulo inteiro sobre ele: o pais nao e grande, possuindo uma area de 270.670km2 e a distancia do Norte ao Sul e de somente 1081m2, mas apesar de ser pequeno sua diversidade e enorme, e tem uma populacao de 14 milhoes de pessoas muito educadas e solicitas. O idioma official e o Espanhol, no entanto  a maioria dos indigenas falam Quichua, e existem 18 diferentes idiomas nativos. Religiao: 95% catolicos.

Ele se divide em quarto regioes distintas: Galapagos, Costa Pacifico, Andes e Amazonia. Como dizem por aqui:” Un solo pais, pero cuatro mundos distintos…”

Galapagos: O Parque Nacional Galapagos conta com 13 ilhas principais e dezenas de ilhas menores. Se caracteriza por suas praias de areias brancas, bosques de cactus, iguanas terrestres e marinhas, reservas de tartarugas gigantes, mais de 400 especies de peixes e aves coloridas. Charles Darwin ja afirmou: “as Galapagos sao unicas…”

Costa Pacifico: de norte a sul se estendem belas praias juntamente com portos, populacao pesqueira, cidades modernas e bosques protegidos. Os manguezais mais altos se encontram ai e no Parque Nacional Machalila o mar, as praias virgens e as florestas se mesclam com a Historia das Culturas Pre-Colombianas. Zona de avistamento de baleias jorobabas que chegam a cada ano da Antartica entre junho e outubro.

Andes: Na mistica Cordilheira dos Andes repousam vulcoes com mais de cinco mil metros de altitude, com neves perpetuas e glaciares de gelo milenarios. Os Andes se constituem em  uma grande “avenida” que recorre o centro do Equador, atraves de surpreendentes picos, bosques umidos e tropicais, vales, povoados pitorescos e cidades historicas, lagos, cascatas, lagoas e rios.

Amazonia: Reservas e Parques Nacionais sao o local onde existem mais de 600 especies de peixes. Tambem aqui convivem tapires, anacondas, tartarugas, lagartos, veados, jaguares, macacos, roedores gigantes e mais de 900 especies de aves. O Parque Nacional Yasuni e considerado  Reserva da Biosfera do planeta. Atraves de suas plantas medicinais tem servido de “farmacia natural” durante seculos para as comunidades indigenas que ai habitam.

Governo: Democratico, atualmente sob comando do economista  Rafael Correa Delgado, e precisamos “tirar o chapeu” (Panama, pode ser…kkk) para este Senhor…esta fazendo um trabalho fantastico de recuperacao do pais. A comecar pelas estradas – as existentes estao sendo recuperadas e estao sendo abertas outras tantas, tanto por rotas faceis quanto pela Cordilheira, a fim de ligar o pais por todos os recantos. Um trabalho homerico que esta sendo executado com competencia e agilidade, com recursos do petroleo Nacional que estao sendo revertidos para a populacao e nao somente para os “bolsillos” de alguns poucos politicos como e praxe em muitos outros paises que conhecemos… Aqui existe uma campanha chamada “Revolucion Ciudadana”, significando a revolucao do povo para o povo, e com isto o Governo do Sr. Rafael Correa esta aumentando a auto-estima do povo atraves de investimentos “no proprio povo”, com implantacao de programas de incentivo ao melhoramento pessoal e empresarial.  O povo tem orgulho de ser Equatoriano e de consumir o que e feito aqui. Lema do pais: “Ama La Vida”!!!

Ecuador – English

This country deserves a whole chapter on it. The country itself is not big, with an area of 168.186 square miles and the distance between North and South is 672 miles; but regardless its small size, its diversity is huge; has a population of 14 million people who are very polite and helpful. The official language is Spanish but most of the indigenous peoples speak Quichua and there are up to 18 different languages among native communities. Religion: 95% are Catholics.

It is divided into four distinct regions: Galapagos, Costa Pacifico, Andes and Amazonia. As they say around here: “Un solo pais, pero cuatro mundos distintos”… “One country, but four different worlds”…

Galapagos: Galapagos National Park comprises 13 major volcanic islands and several smaller ones. It is characterized by its white sandy beaches, cactuses, land and marine iguanas, giant turtles sanctuary, over 400 species of fish and colorful birds. Charles Darwin has stated:  “The Galapagos are unique…”

Costa Pacifico: in the stretch between North and South lie beautiful beaches along with Ports, fishing villages, modern towns and protected woods. The highest mangroves are in this area, and at Machalila National Park the sea, virgin beaches and the forest mingle with the History of Pre-Colombian  Culture. Whale watching zone, they arrive from Antarctica between June and October.

Andes: By the mythic Andes Range rest volcanoes with over 5.00 meters above sea level, with snowcapped summits and millenary glaciers. The Andes constitute a long “Avenue “which runs through the center of Ecuador, through astounding mountains, humid and tropical woods, valleys, unique “poblados” and historic cities, lakes, waterfalls, lagoons and rivers.

Amazonia: Sanctuaries and Natural parks are the places where there are over 600 species of fish. Here one can also find tapirs, anacondas, turtles, alligators, deer, jaguar, monkeys, giant rodents, and over 900 species of birds. Yasuni National Park is considered the World’s Biosphere Reservoir. Through its medicinal plants it has worked as a “natural pharmacy” for centuries for the indigenous communities who live in the area.

Government: Democratic, presently under economist Rafael Correa Delgado and one has to bow to the great job this President is doing. His Government is carrying out a Country Recovery Program, starting with roads and highways – the ones already existing are being recovered and improved, and several other ways are being built, by the easy paths as well as by the mountain ranges – with the purpose of connecting the country. An Homeric job which is being carried out with efficiency and very fast, with resources coming from the National oil which have been used in an intelligent manner for the benefit of the population and not only for the benefit of some politicians’ pockets, as we have witnessed in several other countries…Here there is a program called “Revolucion Ciudadana” which means a revolution of the people for the people, and with it President Correa’s Government has raised  the population’s self-esteem  through investments directly on the population with self-improvement programs and incentives for the industry and entrepreneurs. The people of Ecuador are proud to be “Ecuadorians” and buy domestic products. The country’s motto is: “Ama La Vida” – “Love Life”! 

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27.06 | 09:07

Alaska is my favorite state that I have explored with I would like to go again.

27.06 | 09:06

Alaska is great that i have explored while

21.08 | 10:50

Alaska is such a wonderful destination for tourists. It has meaningful attractions to explore and have an offensive time. I like its parks, lakes and glaciers.

17.08 | 10:36

Alaska seems a credible place to visit. I will plan my tour of there after my to see its places and have fun.